Chapel Hill Dental Care - Joseph G. Marcius, D.D.S

Call (330) 633-7141

If you have a non-urgent question or concern, you can use the form below to email the doctor directly.

If this is a dental emergency, please call (330) 633-7141 or dial 911.

 Call for an appointment:
(330) 633-7141

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Chapel Hill Dental Care - Joseph G. Marcius, D.D.S

Joseph G Marcius, DDS

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Chapel Hill Dental Care - Joseph G. Marcius, D.D.S
1690 Brittain Rd
Akron, OH 44310
General Info: (330) 633-7141
Chapel Hill Dental Care - Joseph G. Marcius, D.D.S Office Hours
  Morning Afternoon/Evening
Mon. 7:30am - 12pm 1pm - 4pm
Tue. 7:30am - 12pm 1pm - 4pm
Wed. 7:30am - 12pm Closed
Thu. 7:30am - 12pm 1pm - 4pm
Fri. Closed Closed
Sat. Closed Closed
Sun. Closed Closed

 Call for an appointment:
(330) 633-7141

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